File: forscore vs unrealbook
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forscore vs unrealbook
Music reading programs comparison for the iPad « iPad and.Pros for ForScore are that the page turns are faster than the other two. on the unrealBook website I have a program that fixes the “bad” PDF created unRealBook vs. GigBook. January 1, 2011 in Articles, Reviews, Sheet Music. Now if someone wants to send me forScore 2 ($4.99) to play with………I might.
forScore | about
App Showdown: ForScore vs. Unrealbook « Technology in Music EducationAbout forScore. forScore was designed as a way to take thousands of pages of score with you on the go. By balancing innovative features like half-page turns with a. Roughly a week ago, techinmusiced received an e-mail from the developer of UnrealBook, announcing the application’s release. Yesterday, ForScore released. I made a little video, comparing page turning at 600 dpi between ForScore and Unrealbook, and ForScore was turning pages about twice as fast as Unrealbook.
unRealBook vs. GigBook | Jazz-Sax.Com
iPad Music Reader: Further Experiences with Unrealbook.
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1:1 iPad program in middle school-Starter Kit - iPads in Education
1:1 iPad program in middle school-Starter Kit - iPads in Education
PageFlip Cicada Bluetooth Pedal: Hands-free Page Turning On iPads.
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